Why Am I Losing Motivation For My Goals? (And What To Do About It)
I have a personal question for you...
How are your 2024 goals coming along?
At this point, the ‘new year, new me’ motivation is long gone. As a result, most people are losing motivation for their goals.
haven't been to the gym in weeks
reverted back to their old spending habits
still have a disorganized home
And, with 6 months left in the year, most people give up. They throw in the towel. I can't blame them. That used to be me.
I didn't understand how to handle The Middle Problem. Now, I use a specific strategy to overcome the lack of motivation I experience months after setting a goal.
In this newsletter, I will teach you that strategy. It’s not easy, but it’s doable.
Ready to reinvigorate your 2024 goals?
Why Am I Losing Motivation For My Goals?
It's called The Middle Problem.
The Middle Problem is a natural phenomenon every human experiences when chasing a goal.
This is how it works:
When we set a goal, our motivation is at an all-time high. But, as time passes, we lose motivation. This is The Middle Problem. Finally, as a deadline approaches, motivation spikes.

Maybe you experienced this as a student.
In September, many students are super motivated. "This year, I'm not getting any Cs!"
By November, that motivation dwindles. Missing assignments pile up and grades slip. But, the motivation from September returns before the year ends!
Sound familiar?
Here's how The Middle Problem exists in the adult world:
In January, a health or exercise goal is set. But, by March, the motivation to hit the gym and will to avoid dessert slips away. When May rolls around, and beach season is close, that January motivation comes back.
See the pattern here?
How Can I Overcome The Middle Problem?
So, here we are. It's July. We are smack in the middle of the year. Welcome to the depths of The Middle Problem.
We can’t make The Middle Problem magically disappear. Remember, it’s a part of being human.
However, we can use executive function skills to work through it.
As an adult executive function coach, here's how I help clients overcome The Middle Problem:
1. Develop Awareness
The first step is becoming aware of The Middle Problem.
When a goal is set, predict when motivation will begin to drop.
Right now, updating my resume and applying to jobs feels freaking hard. But, I expected this. I'm halfway there.
2. Know It's Normal
Instead of shaming myself for being unmotivated, I accept it as normal.
There’s no need to beat myself up over something that is a part of being human.
Okay, my drive to find a new job is low right now. Nothing wrong with that. It's normal.
3. Set Micro Goals
It's time to make a plan.
To minimize The Middle Problem, I shrink the time I experience it.
I break my long term goal into monthly, micro goals.
Now, the middle problem lasts a few weeks, not months.
By the end of July, I will finish the experience section of my resume.
This is especially powerful for adults with ADHD. A shorter goal pursuit aligns well with our attention spans. Also, reaching small goals spikes dopamine levels. Doing this frequently makes chasing a big goal feel easier.
Let’s Tackle the Middle Problem Together
I know this sounds great on paper, but is way easier said than done. That's why I am hosting a free webinar to help you overcome The Middle Problem.
Let’s revisit your 2024 goals and break them down into actionable, micro goals.
By the end of the webinar, you will understand how to use this strategy to overcome The Middle Problem.
Join me on Tuesday, July 16 at 5:30 pm PT.
Want in? Register here.
Know someone who might benefit from this? Send them this blog.
See you on July 16!
Are you ready to improve your executive function skills?
We know adulting is HARD. It demands strong adult executive function skills. Luckily, we've made a LIVE course to cover the fundamentals so you can make the best of each day: Adult EF Skills 101. We are currently accepting applications!
In this course, you will:
Learn how to plan your priorities 🎯
Learn to get started (task initiate) 🔨
Learn how to keep things tidy 🧺
Learn how to launch your career 👩💻
Learn how to communicate effectively 🗣️
Learn how to budget 🤑
Stay Engaged
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About the Author
Eric Kaufmann, M.Ed is a Professional Educational Therapist and Certified Executive Function Coach. He is the Co-founder of UpSkill Specialists, an online adult executive function coaching company designed to guide adults in overcoming disorganization, procrastination, and productivity roadblocks so they can unlock their potential. Eric is also the founder of Elevate Learning Solutions, an Educational Therapy practice located in San Clemente, CA, that guides students with neurological differences toward becoming independent and confident students and self-leaders.